2024 Stipendium

The recipient

The 2024 Birgit Nilsson Stipendium was awarded to Swedish Soprano, Matilda Story, who receives 250.000 SEK (equivalent to euros 21.500) on 9 August when she performes in recital as a part of the celebrations for the Birgit Nilsson Days.


A Stipendium for young promising singers

Throughout her career, Birgit Nilsson felt a personal responsibility for the future of opera and helped by supporting the next generation of young Swedish singers with a Stipendium in her name.

Birgit’s Tosca guest performance at Malmö Opera in 1969 laid the foundation for the Stipendium, which was established the same year in memory of her singing teacher Ragnar Blennow (1893–1969). The Stipendium was first awarded in 1973.

Between 1984 and 2002 it was most often presented at Västra Karup church.

Birgit Nilsson Stipendium for young singers

A Stipendium for young promising singers

The last recipient to receive the Stipendium from Birgit herself was mezzo-soprano Susanne Resmark in 2002. The year after Birgit Nilsson’s death the Stipendium was resumed and, since 2006, has been awarded annually.

Today, the Stipendium recipient is announced on May 17 – the singer’s birthday – and the award ceremony and concert take place at Västra Karup church during the annual Birgit Nilsson Days in August.

The Birgit Nilsson Stipendium is currently worth SEK 200,000. It is awarded by the Foundation for Birgit Nilsson’s Stipendium Fund and the recipient is appointed by the Fund’s board.