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Birgit Nilsson Master Class 2024

This year’s Master Class teaching has started and is led by Katarina Dalayman in collaboration with pianist Elisabeth Boström and assistant pianist Jacob Lidåkra. The teaching takes place in Birgit Nilsson-salen, Ravinen, Båstad on August 4-7 at 11-16:30. Break 13-14. Thursday, August 8 at 7:00 p.m., a closing concert will be held in the Birgit Nilsson hall. Tickets are sold via Ticket office directly 0775-700 400


Sally Svensson, mezzo-soprano, has studied opera at the University of Stage and Music in Gothenburg and at the Kapellsberg Opera Studio in Härnösand. In the past year, she has participated in the course Opera – Professional for Anna Larsson, Tobias Ringborg, Fredrik Burstedt at Härnösand folk high school. This year, Sally Fernanda sang in Olle Sundström’s newly written opera The Fire Inside for 3,000 schoolchildren on tour in Jämtland, Härjedalen, Västernorrland and Norrbotten. Sally has received the Gothenburg Freemasons’ Music and Song Scholarships and the Science and Wit Society Music Prize. 

Nadja Kaiserseder, mezzo-soprano born in Germany, raised in Asia, studied at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Mannheim and now studies with Dale Fundling. Nadja was previously a scholarship holder with the Richard Wagner Verband Mannheim and still performs with them. Last season she sang in Butterbrote Bessesser Oper at Volkstheater München. In 2023, she was second prize winner in the Elīna Garanca Zukunftsstimmen competition in Vienna. Nadja has received several scholarships and prizes from various music institutions.

Rebecca Hellbom, soprano, has a master’s degree from the opera program at Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskola and subsequently studied vocal performance and chamber music at Mälardalen’s Academy of Music and Opera. In June, she sang the lead role of Renate at the premiere of Jan Sandström’s newly written opera Stormen Betty at Västmanlands Teater, where last year she sang Mère Mariei Karmelitsystrarna. In 2021, she won first prize in Gothenburg’s Wagner Society’s Bayreuth scholarship competition and sang at the scholarship concert in Bayreuth. 

Wilma Kvamme, mezzo-soprano, completed the bachelor’s program in classical singing for professor Sebastian Vittucci at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna in June, where she continues this fall with a master’s in lieder. At Schlosstheater Schönbrunn, she has sung Hans in Hansel and Gretel and several concerts in the past year. Last spring, she sang the alto part in Bach’s St. John’s Passion in the Oscar church in Stockholm. Wilma has received several scholarships and prizes, in April she received the Stockholm Culture Award.

Alva Olsson, soprano, studies in the opera program at the Stockholm Academy of the Arts and for the singing teacher and mentor Anna Larsson. In 2022, Alva made her debut as Pamina in Trollfløjten in Vattnäs concert barn, where last winter she sang Adèle in Läderlappen. Most recently she sang Papagena and the First Lady in Bergen National Opera’s production of The Magic Flute in June. Alva has received a large number of awards and scholarships and is a frequently employed oratorio and church singer and has a great interest in romance singing.

Sally Lundgren, mezzo-soprano, started last autumn the master’s program in opera at the University of Theater and Music (HSM) in Gothenburg after taking a bachelor’s degree at the Royal Academy of Music in London and studying romance interpretation at the Vadstena vocal and piano academy. Last winter, Sally Dorabella sang in Così fan tutte and the shepherd, the female cat and the squirrel in Ravel’s Barnet and spökerieren at HSM and in March Pergolesi’s Stabat mater in Tölö church, Gothenburg. Sally has received several scholarships, most recently the Royal Academy of Music’s National Scholarship 2023.

Clarice Granado, soprano, completed this year the opera program at the Stockholm School of the Arts with an internship at the Royal Opera as the Page in Rigoletto. After a year at the school, she made her opera debut in 2022 as Gelinda in Vadstena Academy’s Il colore fa la regina. Clarice has also studied at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York and appeared in, among other things, West Side Story. Clarice is a two-time Anders Sandrew scholarship recipient, received a scholarship from the Jubelfonden and the Foundation on July 25, 1988. 

Lydia Kjellberg, soprano, continued at master’s level in opera interpretation at the University of Stage and Music in Gothenburg after a bachelor’s degree from the opera program at Stockholm’s Academy of the Arts. In autumn 2023 she sang Doreen in Andrea Tarrodi’s opera Sylvia (Sylvia Plath) with Piteå Chamber Opera after she sang Lady Macbeth in Läckö Opera’s Macbeth during the summer. Lydia received both the Royal Academy of Music’s National scholarship in 2023 and 2021 and the Swedish Wagner Society’s Bayreuth scholarship in 2020 and was allowed to participate in a concert at Villa Wahnfried.

An arrangement in collaboration between the Birgit Nilsson Society, the Birgit Nilsson Museum and the Birgit Nilsson Foundation.